Mark Gebert
Mark is an authorized Guiding Insight Meditation teacher who began his meditation practice more than 50 years ago with insight meditation teachers Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, and Jack Kornfield. His primary teacher has been Joseph Goldstein, and he has trained more recently with guiding senior insight teachers Rodney Smith and Narayan Liebenson. J. Krishnamurti also has had a lasting and profound influence on his teaching. He has studied with numerous other teachers primarily in the Theravada tradition, but also in the Tibetan and Zen traditions. Mark has attended 3 three-month silent retreats and dozens of other retreats mostly at the Insight Meditation Society, the Forest Refuge, and the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. He has taught the Half Day retreats for more than 20 years and leads silent retreats in Georgia. Mark is a co-founder and the Guiding teacher for the Roswell Insight Meditation Community, which was founded in 2016, with an emphasis on inclusivity with affection, and transformation of all aspects of one's life which he calls the Marvels of Mindfulness. He has recently (2023) written a book intitled SMILE Into Your Precious Life with the Marvels of Mindfulness, which is an in-depth collection of his life's teachings. Mark is a retired doctoral level psychologist and 25-year crisis intervention coordinator/team leader, as well as an ordained Christian deacon. His website is
"You may finally realize when the mind Awakens the only thing that is lost is the belief in a permanent self. You will also at that point realize what is gained is a life full of joy, affection and loving kindness guided by wisdom and compassion."
Lisa is a co-founder of the Roswell Insight Meditation Community. In 2022, she received lay ordination as a Buddhist Minister or Archarya, in the Embracing Simplicity Contemplative Order at Heartwood Refuge. This is a dual lineage order, in Theravada and Mahayana/Vajrayana lineages. She is drawn to inter-faith teachings, as well as the integration of different Buddhist paths in the West. She has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and has a small private practice. She is a grateful student of the Dharma.
Lisa has stepped away but is deeply appreciated for her contributions to RIMC.